Pure Web3 tech recrubbbPure Web3 tech recruiting focused solely on what we excel at —
because it’s what we do best
Pure Web3 tech recruiting
focused solely on what we excel at —
because it’s what we do best

Hiring Cheat Code




For employers
For talents
Pure Web3 tech recrubbbPure Web3 tech recruiting focused solely on what we excel at —
because it’s what we do best
We handle your hiring needs from A to Z. We build reputation on delivering top-notch results

can help you

2 ways


Pay only after hiring
No random candidates
Our crypto native team will gain a thorough understanding of your business and specific requests to provide exclusively filtered and verified blockchain developers that are 100% tailored to your needs
Custom-fit Web3 recruitment
For employers
Your next Web3 placement
3+ years in commercial required
Only blockchain development
We guide you to offers from top Web3 companies, handling everything along the way. You never pay us, even after you accept the offer
For talents
You’re in good hands
{ services }
Сообщение об успешной отправке!
The market is vast — you never know who your best hiring partner is. Until you test them all in action
We are young and focused on our business, opposing conservative approaches with dynamics, transparency and accountability



{ uniqueness }
Look at what our clients say
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This is our specialty. Period
Web3 Recruitment Agency
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We recruit only rare tech talent with 3+ years of proven experience
Mid+/senior developers
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We work with companies and talent from all around the globe
Global market
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Average placement time
13 days
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With an average response time of 4 minutes
24/7 support
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{ updates }
All news
Events to attend in 2024-2025
Meet our team in person
You will find us at Paris Blockchain Week and Token 2049 Dubai
According to the Roadmap
4 new clients successfully onboarded in October 2024
1 new office to open in Dubai in 2025
Global expansion
Veretin Recruitment is going to enter American market until June 2025
We're in Dubai
Meet our team at Gitex Global & Future Blockchain Summit in Dubai
Of clients and candidates become our regular partners
Network growth
We surpassed 150 senior blockchain developers in our candidate pool
We work 365 days a year, even on Christmas
100% uptime
Watch it from the inside
Check our YouTube channel to see how we grow Veretin Recruitment, from A to Z



Refer an employer
Refer a talent
We offer a reward of $200-$500 for a successful candidate referral. And significantly more for each hiring company after a successful placement

